50 years of experience in the Audiology

Our team of experts come with over 50 years of specialized experience in the Audiology field.


Why North Blue Jay?

The name “North Blue Jay” fits the type of company we are actively creating and developing. The blue jay is a native bird to Canada and is known as an intelligent species that forms tight family bonds. Moreover, they are known to be talkative creatures. The products we distribute are cutting edge, advanced sound devices. Our service model focuses around on-going consultation and support for our client network. The nature of the Blue Jay fits the mission of our company. The term “North” is to emphasize our Canadian nationality.

Who are we?

North Blue Jay consist of a team of experts in the field of audiology, with over 50 years of collective experience in all facets of this profession.  We work closely with the best manufacturers in the medical hearing industry to ensure we delivery cutting-edge, best in-class devices.  We are innovative, creative, and solution-focused.  

Where are we heading?

Hearing loss is a prevalent health care issue affecting about 20% of the global population, with the majority residing in regions within Asia.  The stigma of hearing loss, coupled with financial limitations, place significant barriers for Asian communities to access dependable, effective, advanced hearing aids.  North Blue is here to help reverse this trend!    


Our Mission

Solutions for Everyone

Offering innovative solutions in the audiology industry to bring back the joy of hearing to individuals in remote parts of the world.

Best Hearing Solutions

To use our expertise and technical knowledge to help people choose the best hearing instruments.

Quality and Affordability

To create and provide a diversified portfolio of high quality hearing instruments at an affordable price.